Bush Prawns (Bardi Grubs)

February 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Bush Prawns, Smokos' Snacks and Hangovers

There are two schools of thought about going to the trouble of cooking Bardi Grubs. On one hand, five Bardi grubs makes a delicious appetiser before a meal in the bush. On the other hand it doesn’t take a genius to realise that five Bardi grubs can be converted into two hundred pounds of cod and feed you for a month.

What you need:

  • Bardi Grubs
  • Olive oil preferably or any other cooking oil
  • A nice chilled Australian white wine

What you do:

Cover the floor of the camp oven with just enough oil to cover the surface, heat it until the oil is simmering but not burning hot. Drop in the fat, juicy, live Bardi Grubs and fry gently. Thirty or so seconds on one side then roll them over and over until they are nice and golden in colour and slightly crispy on the outside.
You will see that the grubs will upon cooking stretch themselves right out so that they are thinner and longer than when you started.

Tricks & Tips:

Surprise your mates and serve this up as an entree with some chilled white wine. 
The texture is that of a delicate prawn, while the flavour will remind you of roasted nuts.

They are really delicious.


Get on the Bush Telegraph about this one where ever you are, because it is probably the best kept secret in the bush.


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