Love Potion
March 4, 2009 by WebMaster
Filed under Bush Poetry, Love Potion
Ever wondered what the secret ingredient to love is? We’re not even sure if this is a poem or a recipe but if you get the quantities correct, it’s a sure winner. What do you mean you didn’t think we were romantic? We’re bloody poets aren’t we?
Bush poetry by Ronnie Wilson
Take your newest lover,
And weave an ancient spell.
Add a dash of laughter,
And stir the cauldron well.
Just keep the steam arising,
But don’t boil the magic brew.
Then add a touch of seasoning,
From past lovers that you knew.
Careful now, a pinch of hope,
And of future, add the most.
Then put in an escape rope,
And secure it to a post.
Then thicken with forgiveness,
Don’t be scared to spill the lot.
And skim off any weakness,
Then make it boiling hot.
Put in a touch of anger,
And a tear you’ll find’s a must.
Add just a hint of danger,
Then fill it up with lust.
Well there you are you’re ready to serve,
But just remember this.
You must never ever lose your nerve,
And always garnish with a kiss.
© Ron Wilson