Editors Blog
New content from The Re-MainsRecently I have been doing my bit for the ‘Country Rock & Roll’ cause and donated some time as a favour to Mick Daley of The Re-mains. Mick was looking to update the Re-Mains website with a subscription service called ‘The Vault’ as a way of providing tracks currently unavailable on previously released albums. Now available from ‘The Vault’ are live tracks from various recorded sessions at Darwin ABC studios in August 2004, out-takes from the live album Loves Last Stand in May 2006 and the ABC Pilot for Live in Your Loungeroom at Bentleigh Hall in July 2005. I urge any fan of Country Rock & Roll to visit the Re-mains website and become a subscriber – you won’t regret it. To co-incide with updated subscription service The-Re-mains have also launched their latest album Inland Sea, which is available for purchase at Re-mains.com. For more information about the latest offering from the re-mains Andrew Hull has reviewed Inland Sea for Bushroots.com – Read Inland Sea review by Andrew Hull Read More →
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Subscribe to Country Rock & Roll Gold in ‘The Vault’.The Re-mains have recently launched a new subscription product called the ‘The Vault’ Subscribers gain exclusive access to a broad cross-section of Country Rock & Roll history, as perpetrated by any of the several peripatetic Re-Mains line-ups from 2002 – 2009. Included are live tracks from various recorded sessions at Darwin ABC studios in August […]
The Re-Mains, Inland Sea – Reviewed by Andrew HullThe path of the artist is never straight. There are no absolute truths and a day’s work does not translate reliably to a day’s pay, that is a labourer. The artist must take greater chances; they are by their very nature, open to all possibilities, interested in all eventualities, willing to embrace all opportunities. That […]

Songs and poems about the mining village of Nymagee in Western NSW.

The latest release from the Lonely Horse Band sees the boys exploring the opal mining town of White Cliff.

Telling the story of Louth on the Darling River and the monument that glows in the outback sunset.
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Firestone | Kokoda | River Roads | Tractor | Diggers |
Main Courses & Other Roadkill
Intro – Eating NativesThere are laws protecting our national emblem animals these days, all though most of the earlier settlers would have starved to death if the Kangaroo and the Emu weren’t around to provide a staple. We therefore are not encouraging you to go out and shoot a roo or an emu for tea, but if you happen to hit one with your car, (which is not against... [Read more of this review]
Burnt Water StewThis is a top stew for the camp where cooking skills are at the ‘burnt water’ level throughout, and if you don’t get a real feed soon your going to die. Though it is foolproof to make it is an excellent meal and a real good base to start experimenting with a more adventurous stew. What you need: Neck chops, 3 per man plus an extra couple I usually... [Read more of this review]
Curried Bush PrawnsThose of you unfortunate enough not to have access to real yabbies can substitute King Prawns or some other unworthy crustacean. The other ingredients for this recipe are bound to be in your camp kit so it usually becomes something of a staple around bush camps. What you need 10 yabby’s per man (cooked) 1 onion per man Half a capsicum per man 1 spud... [Read more of this review]
Road Kill Roo RoastA few years ago, Ron was shooting rabbits for a living out in the North West of N.S.W with a couple of other blokes. When they were preparing to go, funds were very low so they spent most of their money on fuel and bullets. The only food they took with them was what they already had laying about the place. This consisted of a fifty kilo bag of spuds,... [Read more of this review]
Bull Dusted Road KillThe theory of “Bush Ingenuity” is legendary throughout our vast land and has been used to solve problems on the run by stockmen, drovers, miners and swaggies since the pioneering days. However there is no supernatural powers involved, nor any in-bred instinct born only to country people. It comes from not having the hardware store a few minutes... [Read more of this review]
Pigs in the Pineapple PatchIt may seem a touch extravagant to be preparing a pork roast whilst camping but this no frills recipe is a sure winner. Besides, you never know when you are going to catch a wild pig, (or hit one in your car) and opportunism is the first law of the outback. What you need: 1 Pork leg roast 1 Pineapple Salt What you do Place roast into oven sprinkle... [Read more of this review]
Pineapple HogIf you had the foresight to bring a tin of pineapples on a camping trip, then you probably are prepared to go to the trouble of making this recipe. It’s not difficult if you can hold the pig down long enough to cut the little bits of pork off him. What you need • Leftover meat from the “Pigs in the Pineapple Patch” recipe • Mince • 1 tin... [Read more of this review]
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