Intro – Eating Natives
March 2, 2009 by WebMaster
Filed under An Introduction - Eating Natives, Main Courses & Other Roadkill
We therefore are not encouraging you to go out and shoot a roo or an emu for tea, but if you happen to hit one with your car, (which is not against the law but usually costly), and if you happen to only run over its head, then I suppose it would be a shame to waste the meat.
Then again you could always just substitute the meat with something you picked up from the butchers. And some clever butchers even sell native farm bred meats.
All true bushies are conservationists, the importance of looking after the environment in which they live and their children will live is simple bush logic. We practice what we preach and encourage you to do the same, take your rubbish with you and never catch more than you need.