Bardie Grub Au Natural

Aboriginal peoples in this country have eaten Bardi Grubs and the more widely known Witchety Grubs since time began. Our modern day palettes have been educated to be repulsed at the thought of this, however, we can assure you that once the squeamishness is overcome you will find a food source that is not only delicious but extraordinarily high in protein. A relatively small amount can go along way energy wise. 

The Bardie Grub

If you use more energy collecting food than you gain in nutritional value by eating it, then I’m afraid you are going to starve to death. This happened to a few of the earlier explorers.

The best way to find Bardi’s is to find a local who knows what he is talking about. No doubt he will be in the local pub, so you will obviously have to do quite a bit of research in the pub on this matter. Basically catching them, though simple enough, is a bit of a bush art and is best learnt by demonstration.

Once a “Bardi Tree” has been found, chip away at the ground surface below until you find the holes. These could be a meter or more in length and will have a fat grub at the bottom. Thread a bit of wire with a little ball of wool tied to the end down the hole until you feel a bit of resistance at the end. This is the grub, just dangle the wool around his face until he gets cranky and grabs it, then in one smooth motion slip him up his tunnel and over your shoulder in one careful pull. It is really impressive to watch some of the old timers doing this, and you will have respect for the craft yourself after you have ripped the heads of half a dozen perfectly good Bardi’s

What you need

  • As many live grubs as you want to eat.
  • A clear path to the nearest tree (in case of involuntary rejection)

What you do

Grip by head with your fore finger and thumb, close your eyes and bite, chew, swallow, 
and hope for the best. Ron loves them, but has to admit that they are better cooked 
than eaten live.

Tricks & Tips:

Its not for everyone, in fact, Ron has cleared a few pubs proving to a disbeliever’s that he actually eats them.
They also are used for Murray Cod bait, though Ron’s tend not to make it to the river without already being eaten. He has often been in trouble for eating the bait.


An acquired taste


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